If you wish to have secure connections to Home Assistant, you may set up a reverse proxy for Home Assistant. Secure connections are required for certain features such as Z-Wave Smart Start. There is a NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy add-on but it does not generate any certificates. By using the Nginx Proxy Manager add-on, it can handle generating Let's Encrypt certificates and keep them renewed.
Hi, what is the configuration (configuration.yaml) to control OctoPrint (not a Docker-Version!!!) in Home Assistant (also not a Docker-Version). Both is installed on Raspberry Pi 4. The integration working fine: octoprint: host: api_key: my API bed: true number_of_tools: 1 Is it possible to rotate the PiCam? configuration.yaml: Raspberry Cam platform: mjpeg name: OctoPrintPiCam still_image_url: http://IP-of-my-Pi/webcam/?action=snapshot mjpeg_url: http://IP-of-my-...